Actionsa anc win fight with da mayor on unsolicited deal

It sounds like you're referring to a situation where a community or group of people are taking action to resist or protest an unsolicited deal or proposal made by the mayor. Here's a possible script:

Title: "Community Rallies Against Unsolicited Deal with Mayor"

Scene: A city council meeting or a public gathering where the community is expressing their concerns and opposition to the mayor's proposal.



[The scene opens with the community leader standing at the podium, addressing the crowd.]

Community Leader: "Friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens, we are here today to stand together against an unsolicited deal that threatens the very fabric of our community. The mayor has proposed a deal that benefits only a select few, while leaving the rest of us to bear the burden."

[The crowd murmurs in agreement, with some residents shouting "No!" and "Not fair!"]

Community Leader: "We have done our research, and we know that this deal is not in the best interest of our community. It will lead to increased costs, decreased services, and a loss of community control. We cannot let this happen!"

[The mayor stands up, looking smug and confident.]

Mayor: "I understand that some of you may have concerns, but I assure you that this deal is the best option for our community. It will bring in new jobs and revenue, and it will help us to grow and prosper."

Community Leader: "But at what cost? We are not just talking about jobs and revenue. We are talking about the very soul of our community. We are talking about the kind of community we want to live in, and the kind of community we want to pass on to our children."

[The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, with some residents holding up signs that read "No to the deal!" and "Community control now!"]

Community Leader: "We will not be silenced. We will not be ignored. We will fight for our community, and we will win. Together, we can make a difference and create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come."

[The scene ends with the community leader and the residents standing together, united in their opposition to the mayor's proposal.]

This script is just a starting point, and you can modify it to fit your specific needs and goals. Remember to stay focused on the key issues and to emphasize the importance of community control and decision-making. Good luck with your campaign!