Acting president nigeria news

You're referring to the recent development in Nigeria where the President, Muhammadu Buhari, is currently on medical leave in the United Kingdom. Here are some updates on the situation:

Acting President: Yemi Osinbajo, the Vice President of Nigeria, has been acting as the President since May 11, 2021, when President Buhari departed for the UK for medical treatment.

Reason for Leave: President Buhari's medical leave is reportedly due to an undisclosed illness, although sources close to the presidency have hinted that it may be related to an underlying health condition.

Duration of Leave: The duration of President Buhajo's leave is not specified, but it is expected to be several weeks or even months, depending on the nature of his illness and the treatment required.

Osinbajo's Role: As Acting President, Yemi Osinbajo has taken over the responsibilities of the President, including overseeing the country's governance, security, and economic affairs. He has also been chairing meetings of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) and other important government bodies.

Impact on Governance: The acting presidency has not significantly disrupted the normal functioning of government, with Osinbajo working closely with the President's cabinet and other officials to ensure continuity.

Public Reaction: The news of President Buhari's medical leave has sparked mixed reactions from Nigerians, with some expressing concern about the President's health while others have praised Osinbajo's ability to take over the reins of government.

International Reaction: The international community has also been following the situation, with some countries extending their best wishes to President Buhari for a speedy recovery.

I hope this update helps!