Acrimony movie new words and meaning

A great choice!

"Acrimony" is a psychological thriller film released in 2018, directed by Tyler Perry. The movie follows a woman named Melinda (played by Taraji P. Henson) who is convinced that her husband Robert (played by Lyriq Bent) is having an affair. As the story unfolds, Melinda's suspicions lead to a series of events that ultimately lead to a shocking twist.

Here are some new words and their meanings that you might learn from the movie:

  1. Acrimony: (noun) bitter or resentful anger, often accompanied by a sense of injustice or betrayal. Example: "The couple's acrimony towards each other was palpable in the air."
  2. Paranoia: (noun) an excessive or irrational fear of being exploited, deceived, or harmed. Example: "Melinda's paranoia about Robert's infidelity led her to investigate his every move."
  3. Gaslighting: (verb) to manipulate someone into doubting their own sanity or memory, often by denying previous agreements or events. Example: "Robert's gaslighting tactics made Melinda question her own perceptions of their relationship."
  4. Projection: (noun) the act of attributing one's own thoughts, feelings, or motivations to someone else. Example: "Robert's projection of his own guilt onto Melinda made her feel like she was the one who was cheating."
  5. Unreliable narrator: (noun) a character in a story who is not trustworthy or objective, often providing misleading or incomplete information. Example: "As the movie progresses, it becomes clear that Robert is an unreliable narrator, hiding secrets and manipulating the truth."
  6. Red herring: (noun) a misleading or distracting clue that leads away from the true solution or answer. Example: "The movie uses a red herring to distract the audience from the real twist, making it a thrilling surprise when the truth is finally revealed."

These words and concepts are woven throughout the movie, adding depth and complexity to the story.