Acme packet new trunk creation

ACME Packet!

To create a new trunk on an ACME Packet device, you'll need to follow these general steps:


  1. Ensure you have a valid ACME Packet device and a stable network connection.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the ACME Packet's web-based management interface (usually accessed via a web browser).

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Log in to the ACME Packet device: Open a web browser and navigate to the ACME Packet's management interface. Enter the device's IP address, username, and password to log in.
  2. Access the Trunking menu: Once logged in, navigate to the Trunking menu. This may be located under Configuration > Trunking or Advanced > Trunking, depending on the device model and firmware version.
  3. Create a new trunk: Click on the Create New Trunk button or link.
  4. Configure the trunk settings:
    • Trunk Name: Enter a unique name for the trunk.
    • Trunk Type: Select the type of trunk you want to create (e.g., SIP, H.323, MGCP, or MGCP-SIP).
    • Trunk Protocol: Choose the protocol used for the trunk (e.g., TCP, UDP, or SCTP).
    • Trunk IP Address: Enter the IP address of the trunk.
    • Trunk Port: Specify the port number used for the trunk (e.g., 5060 for SIP).
  5. Add trunk members: Click the Add Trunk Member button to add the devices or interfaces that will be part of the trunk. You can add multiple members to a trunk.
  6. Configure trunk member settings:
    • Member Type: Select the type of member (e.g., SIP device, H.323 device, or MGCP gateway).
    • Member IP Address: Enter the IP address of the member device or interface.
    • Member Port: Specify the port number used for the member device or interface.
  7. Save the trunk configuration: Click the Save button to save the new trunk configuration.

Verify the trunk creation:

  1. Check the trunk status: Go to the Trunking menu and verify that the new trunk is listed and its status is Active.
  2. Test the trunk: Use a tool like SIPp or a SIP client to test the trunk by sending a SIP request (e.g., INVITE) to the trunk IP address and port.

Remember to consult the ACME Packet device's user manual or online documentation for specific instructions and configuration options, as they may vary depending on the device model and firmware version.