Acknowledgement of new duties

Here are a few examples of acknowledgement of new duties:

Formal Acknowledgement

"I acknowledge that I have been assigned new duties, effective [date], which include [list specific duties]. I understand that these duties are in addition to my existing responsibilities and I am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability."

Simple Acknowledgement

"I acknowledge receipt of my new duties, which include [list specific duties]. I will ensure that these duties are completed to the highest standard and in a timely manner."

Acknowledgement with Commitment

"I acknowledge the assignment of new duties, which include [list specific duties]. I am committed to taking on these additional responsibilities and ensuring that they are completed to the highest standard. I will work closely with [supervisor/team] to ensure a smooth transition and successful outcome."

Acknowledgement with Questions

"I acknowledge the assignment of new duties, which include [list specific duties]. I have reviewed the responsibilities and have a few questions to clarify the expectations. Can we discuss [specific questions] to ensure I understand the requirements?"

Remember to customize the acknowledgement to fit your specific situation and tone.