Acg new zealand international college

ACG New Zealand International College (ACG NZIC) is a private college located in Auckland, New Zealand. Here are some key facts about the college:

About the College

ACG NZIC is a subsidiary of ACG Education, a group of private schools and colleges in New Zealand. The college was established in 2004 with the aim of providing high-quality education to international students.

Programs and Courses

ACG NZIC offers a range of programs and courses, including:


ACG NZIC has two campuses in Auckland:

Student Life

ACG NZIC has a range of student services and facilities, including:

Accreditation and Recognition

ACG NZIC is accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and is a member of the International Association of Universities (IAU). The college's programs are recognized by universities and employers around the world.

Admissions and Fees

Admissions to ACG NZIC are competitive, and students are selected based on their academic performance, English language proficiency, and other factors. Fees vary depending on the program and duration of study, but generally range from NZD $15,000 to NZD $30,000 per year.

Student Visa Requirements

International students who wish to study at ACG NZIC must obtain a student visa from Immigration New Zealand. The college provides support and guidance to students throughout the visa application process.

Overall, ACG New Zealand International College is a reputable institution that offers a range of programs and courses to international students. If you're considering studying in New Zealand, ACG NZIC may be a good option to consider.