Acf nigeria news

Here are some recent news articles from ACN (All Christian News) Nigeria:

Breaking News

  1. Nigeria's Christian Community Mourns as 12 Christians Killed in Fresh Attack (February 2023) - At least 12 Christians were killed in a fresh attack by suspected Fulani herdsmen in Plateau State, Nigeria.
  2. Nigerian Christians Protest Against Persecution, Demand Justice (January 2023) - Thousands of Christians in Nigeria protested against the increasing persecution of Christians in the country, demanding justice and protection from the government.

Top Stories

  1. Nigeria's Christian Leaders Condemn Killing of Pastor, Wife (January 2023) - Christian leaders in Nigeria have condemned the killing of a pastor and his wife in a fresh attack by suspected Fulani herdsmen in Plateau State.
  2. Nigerian Christians Call for Prayers as Country Faces Economic Crisis (December 2022) - Christian leaders in Nigeria have called on Christians to pray for the country as it faces an economic crisis, with many Nigerians struggling to make ends meet.


  1. Nigeria's Christian Community Must Unite Against Persecution (February 2023) - In this opinion piece, a Christian leader in Nigeria argues that the Christian community must unite against persecution and demand justice from the government.
  2. Nigeria's Economic Crisis: A Call to Prayer and Action (December 2022) - In this opinion piece, a Christian leader in Nigeria calls on Christians to pray for the country's economic crisis and to take action to address the root causes of poverty and inequality.


  1. Nigeria's Christian Women: The Unsung Heroes of Persecution (January 2023) - This feature article highlights the stories of Christian women in Nigeria who have been affected by persecution and violence, and who are working to rebuild their communities.
  2. Nigeria's Christian Youth: The Future of the Church (December 2022) - This feature article profiles some of the young Christians in Nigeria who are making a difference in their communities and who are shaping the future of the Church.