Aceptance message from a new appointee

Here are a few examples of acceptance messages from a new appointee:


Dear [Name],

I am writing to formally accept the appointment as [Position] of [Organization]. I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve in this role and am excited to contribute to the organization's mission and goals.

Thank you for the trust you have placed in me. I am committed to working diligently and professionally to ensure the success of the organization.

Please let me know what steps I need to take next to begin my new role.

Sincerely, [Your Name]


Hi [Name],

I just wanted to confirm that I accept the offer to join [Organization] as [Position]. I'm really looking forward to getting started and working with the team.

Thanks again for the opportunity. I'm excited to learn more about the role and how I can contribute to the organization's success.

Best, [Your Name]


Subject: Acceptance of Appointment as [Position]

Dear [Name],

I am pleased to accept the appointment as [Position] of [Organization]. I am eager to start this new chapter and work with the team to achieve our goals.

Please let me know what I need to do next to begin my new role. I am looking forward to getting started and making a positive impact.

Thank you again for the opportunity.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Remember to customize the message to fit your personal style and the tone you want to convey. Congratulations on your new appointment!