According to president buhari agriculture is the new oil

A popular phrase indeed!

Yes, you're correct. President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria has indeed referred to agriculture as the "new oil" for the country. This phrase was first used during his inaugural speech as President in 2015, and has since been repeated on several occasions.

The phrase is meant to emphasize the importance of agriculture in Nigeria's economy, particularly in the context of the country's reliance on oil exports. For decades, Nigeria has been heavily dependent on oil exports, which has made the country vulnerable to fluctuations in global oil prices and has limited its economic diversification.

However, President Buhari has recognized the potential of agriculture to drive economic growth, create jobs, and reduce the country's reliance on oil exports. He has therefore launched several initiatives aimed at promoting agricultural development, including the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) and the National Agricultural Development Plan (NADP).

The "new oil" phrase is meant to convey the idea that agriculture can be a game-changer for Nigeria's economy, just as oil has been in the past. It's a call to action to focus on developing the agricultural sector, which has the potential to create a more sustainable and diversified economy for the country.

So, in summary, President Buhari's phrase "agriculture is the new oil" is a rallying cry to prioritize agricultural development and diversify Nigeria's economy away from its over-reliance on oil exports.