Accessbank plc new logo

Access Bank Plc, a leading financial institution in Nigeria, recently unveiled a new logo as part of its rebranding efforts. The new logo is designed to reflect the bank's commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and its position as a leading player in the African financial services industry.

Here are some key features of the new Access Bank logo:

  1. Simplified design: The new logo features a simplified and modern design, with a bold and clean typography.
  2. Color scheme: The logo retains the bank's signature colors, which are a combination of blue and green. The blue represents trust, stability, and reliability, while the green symbolizes growth, harmony, and nature.
  3. Icon: The logo features a stylized icon that represents the bank's commitment to innovation and technology. The icon is designed to resemble a wave, which symbolizes movement, progress, and forward-thinking.
  4. Typography: The logo features a custom-designed typography that is modern, bold, and easy to read.
  5. Brand essence: The new logo is designed to reflect the bank's brand essence, which is centered around the idea of "Empowering a brighter future for all".

The new logo is expected to be rolled out across all Access Bank's touchpoints, including its website, social media platforms, branches, and marketing materials.

Here's a visual representation of the new Access Bank logo:

[Image description: A modern and simplified logo featuring a blue and green color scheme, with a stylized icon resembling a wave and a custom-designed typography.]

What do you think of the new Access Bank logo?