Access banks new logo

You're referring to the new logo of Access Bank, a leading financial institution in Nigeria and other parts of Africa!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the new logo of Access Bank was launched in 2020, and it features a bold, modern design that reflects the bank's commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and sustainability.

Here's a brief overview of the new logo:

Design: The new logo features a stylized letter "A" made up of interconnected lines, which represents the bank's focus on building strong relationships with its customers and communities. The lines also evoke a sense of movement and dynamism, reflecting the bank's commitment to innovation and progress.

Color scheme: The logo features a bold, bright blue color (#007bff), which represents trust, reliability, and professionalism. The blue color is also associated with the African continent, reflecting the bank's African heritage and its commitment to serving the continent's growing economies.

Typography: The logotype is set in a custom-designed font, which is modern, clean, and easy to read. The font is designed to be versatile and adaptable, allowing the logo to be used across various platforms and mediums.

Meaning: The new logo is designed to convey the bank's values and mission, which include:

  1. Accessibility: The interconnected lines represent the bank's commitment to making financial services accessible to all, regardless of location or socio-economic status.
  2. Innovation: The dynamic lines and bold design reflect the bank's focus on innovation and its commitment to staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly changing financial landscape.
  3. Sustainability: The blue color and the overall design of the logo are meant to evoke a sense of sustainability and environmental responsibility, reflecting the bank's commitment to reducing its environmental footprint and promoting sustainable development.

Overall, the new logo of Access Bank is a bold, modern, and dynamic design that reflects the bank's values, mission, and commitment to serving its customers and communities.