Access bank new logo

Here is the new logo of Access Bank:

Access Bank New Logo (2020)

The new logo is a significant departure from the previous logo, which featured a stylized letter "A" with a globe and a wing. The new logo is a more modern and minimalist design that reflects the bank's growth and expansion into new markets.

Here are some key features of the new logo:

  1. Color scheme: The logo features a bold and vibrant color scheme, with a dominant blue color (#007bff) that represents trust, reliability, and professionalism.
  2. Icon: The logo features a stylized letter "A" made up of two curved lines that form a circle. The circle represents unity, wholeness, and infinity, while the curved lines symbolize movement, growth, and progress.
  3. Typography: The logotype is set in a custom-designed font that is modern, clean, and easy to read. The font is designed to be versatile and adaptable for use across various platforms and mediums.
  4. Logo variations: The logo is available in various formats, including a horizontal version, a stacked version, and a simplified icon-only version.

Overall, the new logo of Access Bank is a bold and modern design that reflects the bank's commitment to innovation, growth, and customer satisfaction.