Access bank new branding very poor

The recent rebranding of Access Bank has received mixed reviews, with some people expressing disappointment and others praising the new look. Here are some reasons why some people might consider the new branding "very poor":

  1. Lack of distinctiveness: The new logo and color scheme may not be distinctive enough to stand out in the crowded banking industry. The logo, in particular, has been criticized for being too similar to other financial institutions.
  2. Loss of heritage: The rebranding has led to the removal of the iconic Access Bank logo, which was a symbol of the bank's history and heritage. This has been met with disappointment from some customers who feel that the new branding lacks the same level of emotional connection.
  3. Uninspiring design: The new branding has been described as uninspiring and lacking in creativity. The color scheme, in particular, has been criticized for being too bland and unremarkable.
  4. Inconsistent application: The new branding has not been consistently applied across all platforms, which can create a disjointed and confusing experience for customers.
  5. Lack of communication: The bank has been criticized for not adequately communicating the reasons behind the rebranding and the benefits it brings to customers. This lack of transparency has led to confusion and mistrust among some customers.
  6. Negative associations: The rebranding has been associated with negative experiences, such as long queues and poor customer service, which can further erode customer trust and loyalty.
  7. Inadequate feedback mechanism: The bank has not provided a clear mechanism for customers to provide feedback on the new branding, which can make it difficult for customers to have their voices heard and for the bank to make improvements.

On the other hand, some people might argue that the new branding is an improvement over the old one, citing the following reasons:

  1. Modern and sleek design: The new branding has been praised for its modern and sleek design, which is seen as more contemporary and appealing to a younger audience.
  2. Increased visibility: The new branding has been designed to be more visible and attention-grabbing, which can help the bank stand out in a crowded market.
  3. Improved consistency: The new branding has been applied consistently across all platforms, which can create a more cohesive and professional image for the bank.
  4. Enhanced customer experience: The rebranding has been designed to improve the customer experience, with a focus on simplicity, ease of use, and personalized service.

Ultimately, the success of the new branding will depend on how well it resonates with customers and how effectively it communicates the bank's values and mission.