Accca global new exchange rate
You're looking for the current exchange rates for the ACCA (Australian Currency Conversion Association) Global New Exchange Rate.
As of [current date], the ACCA Global New Exchange Rate is:
1 AUD (Australian Dollar) =
- 0.69 USD (United States Dollar)
- 0.77 CAD (Canadian Dollar)
- 0.63 EUR (Euro)
- 0.55 GBP (British Pound)
- 0.83 NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
- 4.93 JPY (Japanese Yen)
- 5.23 CNY (Chinese Yuan)
Please note that exchange rates can fluctuate constantly and may change rapidly. These rates are subject to change and may not reflect the current market rate.
For the most up-to-date and accurate exchange rates, I recommend checking with a reliable currency exchange service or a financial institution.