Ac milan fire boban after nine months

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article!

Yes, it was reported that Paolo Maldini, the sporting director of AC Milan, had a meeting with Zvonimir Boban, the club's chief football officer, and decided to part ways with him after just nine months in the role. Boban had been appointed in June 2021, but his tenure was marked by controversy and disagreements with Maldini and other club officials.

The exact reasons for Boban's departure are not entirely clear, but it's been reported that there were significant differences in opinion between him and Maldini regarding the club's transfer strategy and player recruitment. Boban had been pushing for a more aggressive approach to signings, while Maldini was reportedly more cautious.

Boban's departure has sparked a lot of debate among AC Milan fans and pundits, with some criticizing the club's decision to let him go after such a short period. Others have praised the move, citing the need for stability and consistency in the club's leadership.

What are your thoughts on this development? Do you think AC Milan made the right decision in parting ways with Boban?