Abule ado explosion what really happened video

The Abule Ado explosion was a devastating incident that occurred on March 15, 2021, in Abule Ado, a suburb of Lagos, Nigeria. The explosion was caused by a pipeline rupture and subsequent fire that engulfed a residential area, resulting in the loss of many lives and properties.

Here's a summary of what really happened, based on official reports and eyewitness accounts:

What happened:

On March 15, 2021, a pipeline operated by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) ruptured in Abule Ado, causing a massive fire that spread quickly through the residential area. The pipeline, which was supposed to be shut down for maintenance, was allegedly breached by thieves who were attempting to siphon fuel from the pipeline.

Eyewitness accounts:

Eyewitnesses reported hearing a loud explosion and seeing a massive fireball erupt from the pipeline. Many residents were caught off guard, and some were trapped in their homes or on the streets. The fire spread quickly, fueled by strong winds and the highly flammable fuel.

Casualties and damage:

The explosion and subsequent fire resulted in the loss of at least 15 lives, with many more injured. Over 300 homes were destroyed or damaged, leaving hundreds of families homeless. The exact number of casualties is still unclear, as many residents were missing or unaccounted for in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.

Investigation and response:

The Nigerian government launched an investigation into the incident, which is ongoing. The NNPC has taken responsibility for the pipeline rupture and has promised to compensate affected families. The Lagos State Government has also set up a relief fund to support those affected by the disaster.

Video footage:

There are several videos circulating online that show the aftermath of the explosion and the subsequent fire. These videos are graphic and disturbing, and may be upsetting to some viewers. Here are a few examples:

Please note that these videos are disturbing and may not be suitable for all audiences.


The Abule Ado explosion was a tragic and devastating incident that highlights the importance of pipeline safety and the need for effective regulation and enforcement in Nigeria. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of citizens, particularly in areas prone to natural disasters or human-made hazards.