Abuja stadium news

Abuja National Stadium, also known as the Samuel Ogbemudia Stadium, is a multi-purpose stadium located in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates about the stadium:

  1. Renovation works ongoing: The Nigerian government has been carrying out renovation works on the stadium, which was initially scheduled to be completed in 2020. The project is expected to be completed in 2023, with an estimated cost of N2.5 billion (approximately $6.9 million).
  2. New pitch and facilities: The renovation works include the installation of a new pitch, as well as the construction of new facilities such as a VIP lounge, a media center, and improved lighting and sound systems.
  3. Capacity increase: The stadium's capacity is expected to increase from its current 60,000 to 80,000 seats after the renovation works are completed.
  4. Hosting of international events: The renovated stadium is expected to host international events, including football matches, concerts, and other sports competitions.
  5. Security upgrade: The stadium's security system is also being upgraded to ensure the safety of spectators and athletes during events.
  6. NFF's plans: The Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) has expressed interest in using the stadium as a venue for international football matches, including World Cup qualifiers and other high-profile matches.
  7. Private sector investment: The Nigerian government has invited private sector investors to partner with the government in the development of the stadium, with a view to generating revenue and reducing the financial burden on the government.
  8. Stadium's history: The Abuja National Stadium was built in 2003 and has hosted several high-profile events, including the 2003 All-Africa Games and the 2010 African Cup of Nations.

These are some of the recent news updates about the Abuja National Stadium. The stadium is an important national asset and a symbol of Nigeria's sporting prowess, and its renovation is expected to boost the country's sporting infrastructure and economy.