Abuja new teachet vacancies

Here are some Abuja-based teaching vacancies that you may be interested in:

  1. British Council Abuja: The British Council is seeking a Teacher of English for Young Learners to teach English to children aged 5-12 years old. Apply here
  2. International School Abuja: The International School Abuja is looking for a Primary School Teacher to teach English, Mathematics, and Science to students aged 5-11 years old. Apply here
  3. Lagos Business School Abuja: The Lagos Business School is seeking a Lecturer in Business Education to teach courses such as Accounting, Finance, and Management to undergraduate students. Apply here
  4. Abuja International School: The Abuja International School is looking for a Secondary School Teacher to teach subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science to students aged 11-18 years old. Apply here
  5. National Open University of Nigeria Abuja: The National Open University of Nigeria is seeking a Lecturer in Education to teach courses such as Curriculum Studies, Educational Psychology, and Educational Technology. Apply here
  6. Abuja Federal Government College: The Abuja Federal Government College is looking for a Teacher of English Language and Literature to teach English Language and Literature to students aged 11-18 years old. Apply here
  7. International Community School Abuja: The International Community School Abuja is seeking a Primary School Teacher to teach English, Mathematics, and Science to students aged 5-11 years old. Apply here
  8. Abuja University of Technology: The Abuja University of Technology is looking for a Lecturer in Education to teach courses such as Curriculum Studies, Educational Psychology, and Educational Technology. Apply here
  9. British International School Abuja: The British International School Abuja is seeking a Teacher of English to teach English to students aged 11-18 years old. Apply here
  10. Abuja American International School: The Abuja American International School is looking for a Secondary School Teacher to teach subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science to students aged 11-18 years old. Apply here

Please note that these vacancies may have specific requirements, such as qualifications, experience, and language proficiency. It's essential to review the job descriptions carefully before applying.