Abuja national mosque news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about the Abuja National Mosque:

Recent News

  1. Abuja National Mosque to be upgraded: The Federal Government has approved the upgrade of the Abuja National Mosque to a world-class facility, with plans to add more prayer spaces, a library, and a museum. (Source: Daily Trust, March 2023)
  2. Mosque to host international Islamic conference: The Abuja National Mosque is set to host the 2023 International Islamic Conference, which will bring together Islamic scholars and leaders from around the world to discuss issues affecting the Muslim ummah. (Source: Leadership Newspaper, February 2023)
  3. Mosque's new Imam takes office: The new Imam of the Abuja National Mosque, Sheikh Muhammad Khalid, has taken office, promising to promote peace, unity, and spiritual growth among Muslims in the country. (Source: Vanguard News, January 2023)

Past News

  1. Abuja National Mosque's 20th anniversary: In 2020, the Abuja National Mosque celebrated its 20th anniversary, with a special prayer session and a lecture by a renowned Islamic scholar. (Source: This Day Live, October 2020)
  2. Mosque's expansion project: In 2019, the Federal Government approved a N1.5 billion expansion project for the Abuja National Mosque, which included the construction of new prayer spaces, a library, and a museum. (Source: The Nation Newspaper, August 2019)
  3. Mosque's role in promoting interfaith dialogue: In 2018, the Abuja National Mosque played host to a interfaith dialogue session between Muslim and Christian leaders, aimed at promoting peace and understanding between the two faiths. (Source: Premium Times, November 2018)

Interesting Facts

  1. The Abuja National Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Africa: With a capacity to accommodate over 50,000 worshippers, the Abuja National Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Africa.
  2. The mosque was built in 1984: The Abuja National Mosque was built in 1984, during the administration of President Shehu Shagari.
  3. The mosque is managed by the National Mosque Council: The Abuja National Mosque is managed by the National Mosque Council, which is responsible for the overall administration and maintenance of the mosque.

I hope this information is helpful!