Abu to commence distance learning news

Here's a draft news article on Abu Dhabi University's commencement of distance learning:

Abu Dhabi University Launches Distance Learning Program

Abu Dhabi, UAE - Abu Dhabi University (ADU) has announced the launch of its distance learning program, offering students the flexibility to pursue higher education from anywhere in the world.

The distance learning program, which is designed to cater to the needs of working professionals, students, and individuals with busy schedules, will provide access to a range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The programs will be delivered online, using a state-of-the-art learning management system, and will feature interactive video conferencing, online discussions, and virtual labs.

"We are excited to introduce our distance learning program, which will enable students to balance their academic pursuits with their professional and personal commitments," said Dr. Nabeel Alurini, Chancellor of Abu Dhabi University. "Our distance learning program is designed to provide students with a high-quality education, while also offering the flexibility and convenience they need to succeed."

The distance learning program will be available in a range of disciplines, including business, engineering, computer science, and healthcare. Students will have access to a range of online resources, including e-books, online tutorials, and virtual libraries.

To ensure the success of distance learning students, ADU will provide a range of support services, including academic advising, technical support, and career counseling. The university will also offer regular online office hours, where students can interact with faculty members and ask questions.

"We are committed to providing our distance learning students with the same level of academic support and resources as our on-campus students," said Dr. Alurini. "We believe that our distance learning program will provide students with a unique and rewarding learning experience."

The distance learning program is now open for enrollment, and students can apply online through the ADU website. For more information, please visit [ADU website].

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Note: This is just a draft, please make sure to fact-check and verify the information before publishing.