Abu salem latest news

Abu Salem is a notorious Indian gangster and underworld don who was involved in several high-profile crimes, including the 1993 Bombay bombings. Here are some of the latest news updates about Abu Salem:

  1. Life imprisonment: In 2017, Abu Salem was sentenced to life imprisonment by a special TADA court in Mumbai for his role in the 1993 Bombay bombings. He was convicted of conspiracy and murder charges.
  2. Extradition: Abu Salem was extradited from Portugal to India in 2005 after a long legal battle. He was arrested in Lisbon in 2002 and was later extradited to India.
  3. Trial: Abu Salem's trial began in 2005, and he was charged with conspiracy, murder, and other crimes related to the 1993 bombings. The trial was delayed several times due to various reasons, including the death of key witnesses and the illness of the accused.
  4. Conviction: In 2017, Abu Salem was convicted of conspiracy and murder charges related to the 1993 Bombay bombings. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and was also fined Rs. 10,000.
  5. Appeal: Abu Salem has appealed against his conviction and sentence in the Bombay High Court. His appeal is pending, and the court is yet to deliver its verdict.
  6. Health issues: Abu Salem has been suffering from various health issues, including kidney problems and high blood pressure, while in prison. He has been hospitalized several times for treatment.
  7. Prison life: Abu Salem is currently serving his life sentence at the Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai. He has been living in a special cell with other high-profile prisoners, including gangster Chhota Rajan.

These are some of the latest news updates about Abu Salem. Please note that the information may be subject to change, and it's always best to verify the news through reputable sources.