Absu news video

You're looking for news videos about ABSU (African Bible University)!

Here are a few options:

  1. ABSU News Update: This is the official YouTube channel of African Bible University, where you can find updates on the university's activities, events, and achievements.

  2. ABSU TV: This is another official channel of ABSU, featuring news, interviews, and documentaries about the university and its students.

  3. Ghana News: This is a popular Ghanaian news channel that occasionally features news about ABSU, including updates on its programs, events, and achievements.

  4. Joy News: This is another popular Ghanaian news channel that occasionally features news about ABSU, including updates on its programs, events, and achievements.

  5. Citi News: This is a Ghanaian news channel that occasionally features news about ABSU, including updates on its programs, events, and achievements.

Please note that the availability of these videos may vary depending on your location and the channels' content policies.

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