Absu latest news 2018

ABSU (Abia State University) is a popular university in Nigeria, and here are some of the latest news updates from 2018:

  1. New Vice-Chancellor Appointed: In August 2018, Professor Ikechukwu Ogbu, a renowned academic and administrator, was appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of ABSU. He took over from Professor Francis Otunta, who completed his tenure in July 2018.
  2. New Academic Calendar Released: In September 2018, the university released a new academic calendar for the 2018/2019 academic session. The calendar outlined the dates for registration, lectures, and examinations.
  3. Staff Union Embarks on Strike: In October 2018, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) at ABSU embarked on a strike to protest the non-payment of salaries and allowances. The strike lasted for several weeks before a resolution was reached.
  4. Students Protest Over Poor Infrastructure: In November 2018, students of ABSU protested over the poor state of infrastructure on campus, including inadequate power supply, poor water supply, and dilapidated buildings.
  5. University Partners with International Organizations: In December 2018, ABSU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Association of Universities (IAU) to collaborate on academic and research activities.
  6. New Faculty of Engineering Established: In 2018, ABSU established a new Faculty of Engineering, which was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ikechukwu Ogbu.
  7. Research Grants Awarded: In 2018, ABSU awarded research grants to several staff members to conduct research in various fields, including medicine, agriculture, and environmental science.
  8. Alumni Association Inaugurated: In 2018, the ABSU Alumni Association was inaugurated, with the aim of promoting unity and cooperation among alumni and supporting the development of the university.

These are just a few of the latest news updates from ABSU in 2018. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you with that!