Absu latest news 2017 2018

ABSU (American Baptist Seminary of the West) is a theological seminary located in Berkeley, California. Here are some of the latest news and updates from ABSU for 2017 and 2018:


  1. New President Appointed: In June 2017, Dr. David Vásquez-León was appointed as the new President of ABSU, succeeding Dr. David A. Anderson.
  2. Renovation of the Seminary: ABSU underwent a major renovation of its campus, including the restoration of its historic chapel and the construction of new classrooms and offices.
  3. New Master of Divinity Program: ABSU launched a new Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program, designed to equip students for ministry in a rapidly changing world.
  4. Partnership with the American Baptist Churches USA: ABSU strengthened its partnership with the American Baptist Churches USA, enhancing its role as a leading institution for Baptist theological education.


  1. Celebrating 125 Years: In 2018, ABSU celebrated its 125th anniversary, marking a century and a quarter of theological education and ministry training.
  2. New Doctor of Ministry Program: ABSU launched a new Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program, designed to equip experienced pastors and ministers for advanced ministry leadership.
  3. International Student Enrollment: ABSU welcomed a record number of international students from around the world, reflecting the seminary's commitment to global theological education.
  4. Faculty Appointments: ABSU appointed several new faculty members, including Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez, a historian of American Christianity, and Dr. Daniel Castelo, a theologian and ethicist.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from ABSU for 2017 and 2018. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting the seminary's website or contacting their admissions office directly.