Abstract t class and abstract t new in c

A nice question about C programming!

In C, there is no direct equivalent to abstract classes and abstract methods like in object-oriented languages such as Java or C++. However, you can achieve similar functionality using other techniques. Here's a brief overview:

Abstract Classes

In C, you can create a struct that contains only function pointers, which can be used to implement abstract classes. This is often referred to as a "virtual table" or "vtable". The idea is to create a struct that contains function pointers, and then create concrete structs that inherit from this abstract struct and implement the function pointers.

Here's an example:

// Abstract class
typedef struct {
    int (*foo)(int);
} AbstractClass;

// Concrete class that inherits from AbstractClass
typedef struct {
    AbstractClass base;
    int foo(int x) { return x * 2; }
} ConcreteClass;

int main() {
    ConcreteClass obj;
    obj.base.foo = obj.foo; // Set the function pointer
    printf("%d\n", obj.base.foo(5)); // Output: 10
    return 0;

Abstract Methods

In C, you can't declare abstract methods like in Java or C++. However, you can use function pointers to achieve similar functionality. For example, you can declare a function pointer in an abstract struct and require concrete structs to implement it.

Here's an example:

// Abstract class
typedef struct {
    int (*foo)(int);
} AbstractClass;

// Concrete class that inherits from AbstractClass
typedef struct {
    AbstractClass base;
    int foo(int x) { return x * 2; }
} ConcreteClass;

int main() {
    ConcreteClass obj;
    obj.base.foo = obj.foo; // Set the function pointer
    printf("%d\n", obj.base.foo(5)); // Output: 10
    return 0;

New in C

There is no direct equivalent to the new keyword in C, which is used to create objects in languages like Java or C++. In C, you typically use dynamic memory allocation using malloc and free to create objects.

Here's an example:

// Create a struct
typedef struct {
    int x;
} MyStruct;

// Allocate memory for an object
MyStruct* obj = malloc(sizeof(MyStruct));

// Initialize the object
obj->x = 5;

// Use the object
printf("%d\n", obj->x); // Output: 5

// Free the memory

In summary, while C doesn't have direct support for abstract classes and abstract methods like other languages, you can achieve similar functionality using function pointers and dynamic memory allocation.