Abp news owner bjp

ABP News is a popular Indian news channel, and it is indeed owned by the ABP Group, which is a subsidiary of the Anand Bazar Patrika (ABP) conglomerate.

Now, regarding the connection with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), here's what I found:

In 2017, ABP News was acquired by the ABP Group, which is a privately held company. While the ABP Group is not directly affiliated with the BJP, some of its key stakeholders and investors have been linked to the party.

For instance, the ABP Group's chairman, Aveek Sarkar, has been a vocal supporter of the BJP and has been critical of the opposition parties, including the Indian National Congress. Sarkar has also been a close associate of BJP leaders, including the party's national president, Amit Shah.

Additionally, some of the investors in the ABP Group have been linked to the BJP or have made significant contributions to the party. For example, the group's largest shareholder, the Kolkata-based business conglomerate, the Thapar Group, has been known to have close ties with the BJP.

However, it's essential to note that ABP News is an independent news organization, and its editorial content is not directly controlled by the BJP or any other political party. The channel has been known to provide balanced coverage of various political issues and has been critical of the BJP government on several occasions.

In conclusion, while there may be some indirect connections between the ABP Group and the BJP, ABP News is an independent news channel that strives to provide unbiased reporting and analysis of current events.