About ty dolla sign and new girlfriend

Ty Dolla Sign, whose real name is Tyrone William Griffin Jr., is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. He has been in the music industry for several years and has released several successful albums and singles.

As for his personal life, Ty Dolla Sign has been linked to several women over the years, but he has not publicly confirmed any long-term relationships. However, in recent months, there have been rumors that he is dating a new girlfriend.

In October 2020, Ty Dolla Sign was spotted with a woman named Janelle Evans, who is a model and social media influencer. The two were seen together at several events, including a concert in Los Angeles, and they have been posting photos and videos of each other on social media.

While neither Ty Dolla Sign nor Janelle Evans has publicly confirmed their relationship, the two seem to be getting serious. In November 2020, Ty Dolla Sign posted a photo of Janelle Evans on his Instagram page, captioning it "My queen." Janelle Evans has also posted photos of Ty Dolla Sign on her Instagram page, calling him her "baby."

It's worth noting that Ty Dolla Sign has been private about his personal life in the past, so it's possible that he may not publicly confirm his relationship with Janelle Evans. However, based on their social media posts and public appearances together, it seems that the two are getting serious and may be in a romantic relationship.