About the new naira note

You're referring to the redesigned Nigerian Naira notes!

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) recently introduced new designs for the N200, N500, and N1,000 banknotes to combat counterfeiting and improve the overall security features of the currency. Here are some key facts about the new notes:

Design Changes:

  1. The new notes feature a combination of advanced security features, including:
    • Watermark: A transparent image of the national symbol, the Coat of Arms, is embedded in the paper.
    • Security Thread: A thin strip of material that glows pink when held under UV light.
    • Raised Printing: Tactile features that can be felt by the fingertips.
    • Micro-Printing: Tiny text and patterns that are difficult to replicate.
  2. The notes also feature a new portrait of the first President of Nigeria, Nnamdi Azikiwe, on the N1,000 note, and a portrait of the first female Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Jadesimi Awolola, on the N500 note.

Security Features:

  1. The new notes have a unique serial number that can be verified using the CBN's website or mobile app.
  2. The notes are printed on a special paper that is resistant to wear and tear.
  3. The security features are designed to be difficult to replicate, making it easier to detect counterfeit notes.


  1. Improved security: The new notes are designed to reduce the incidence of counterfeiting, which can help to maintain public trust in the currency.
  2. Enhanced aesthetics: The new designs are expected to improve the overall appearance of the currency, making it more attractive and easier to handle.
  3. Increased efficiency: The new notes are designed to be more durable and resistant to wear and tear, which can reduce the need for frequent replacements.


  1. Limited availability: The new notes are not yet widely available, which can cause inconvenience for some individuals and businesses.
  2. Public awareness: There may be a need for public education campaigns to raise awareness about the new notes and their security features.
  3. Counterfeit concerns: While the new notes are designed to be more secure, there is still a risk of counterfeiting, which can be a challenge for the CBN and other stakeholders.

Overall, the introduction of the new Naira notes is a significant step towards improving the security and efficiency of Nigeria's currency. However, it will likely take some time for the public to adjust to the new designs and for the benefits to be fully realized.