About pats pulpit a new england patriots community

Pats Pulpit is a popular online community and blog dedicated to the New England Patriots, a professional American football team based in Foxborough, Massachusetts. The site was founded in 2003 and has since become one of the most well-respected and widely-read Patriots-focused websites on the internet.

Here are some key features and facts about Pats Pulpit:

  1. Community-driven: Pats Pulpit is a fan-run website, with a dedicated team of writers, editors, and moderators who contribute to the site's content. The community is active and engaged, with thousands of members participating in discussions, sharing their opinions, and debating the latest Patriots news and issues.
  2. News and analysis: The site provides in-depth news, analysis, and commentary on the Patriots, including game recaps, player profiles, and team news. The writers and editors are knowledgeable and experienced, with many having a background in journalism or sports writing.
  3. Game-day coverage: Pats Pulpit offers live game-day coverage, including live blogs, game threads, and real-time updates. The site's writers and moderators provide play-by-play commentary, analysis, and reaction to the action on the field.
  4. Podcasts: The site produces several podcasts, including "The Pats Pulpit Podcast" and "The Pulpit Podcast", which feature discussions on Patriots news, games, and more.
  5. Community features: Pats Pulpit has a range of community features, including forums, chat rooms, and social media groups. Members can engage with each other, share their thoughts and opinions, and participate in discussions on various topics related to the Patriots.
  6. Charity work: The site is involved in various charity initiatives, including fundraising campaigns and awareness drives. Pats Pulpit has raised thousands of dollars for various causes, including the Jimmy Fund, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and the United Way.
  7. Awards and recognition: Pats Pulpit has received numerous awards and recognition within the sports blogging community, including being named one of the top 10 Patriots blogs by USA Today and one of the top 20 NFL blogs by Bleacher Report.

Overall, Pats Pulpit is a must-visit destination for any New England Patriots fan looking for in-depth news, analysis, and community engagement.