About papua new guinea king

You're referring to the King of Papua New Guinea!

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a country in the Pacific Islands, and it does not have a king or a monarch. PNG is a republic, with a president as its head of state. The current President of Papua New Guinea is Bob Dadae.

However, Papua New Guinea does have a rich cultural heritage and a complex system of traditional leadership. The country is home to over 800 languages and more than 1,000 ethnic groups, each with their own distinct culture and traditions.

In some parts of Papua New Guinea, there are traditional leaders known as "kings" or "chiefs," who hold significant cultural and spiritual authority within their respective communities. These leaders are often chosen based on their ancestry, wisdom, and leadership skills.

One example of a traditional leader in Papua New Guinea is the "Raja" of the Huli people, who are an indigenous group living in the Southern Highlands Province. The Raja is a respected leader who plays a key role in resolving disputes, making important decisions, and performing traditional ceremonies.

Another example is the "Luluai" of the Enga Province, who is a traditional leader who is responsible for maintaining law and order, resolving disputes, and performing traditional ceremonies.

While these traditional leaders are not monarchs in the classical sense, they hold significant cultural and spiritual authority within their respective communities.