About npower news

Npower is a British energy company that provides gas and electricity to millions of customers across the UK. Here are some recent news updates about npower:

Recent News:

  1. Npower fined £26.5 million for mis-selling energy deals: In February 2023, npower was fined £26.5 million by the UK's energy regulator, Ofgem, for mis-selling energy deals to vulnerable customers, including the elderly and those with disabilities. The company was accused of using high-pressure sales tactics and failing to provide clear information about the deals.
  2. Npower to cut 1,000 jobs: In January 2023, npower announced plans to cut 1,000 jobs as part of a major restructuring effort. The company said the job cuts were necessary to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  3. Npower launches new smart meter rollout: In December 2022, npower launched a new smart meter rollout program, which aims to install smart meters in over 1 million homes across the UK. The program is part of the company's efforts to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
  4. Npower partners with energy storage company: In November 2022, npower announced a partnership with energy storage company, Sonnen, to offer customers a new energy storage solution. The solution allows customers to store excess energy generated by their solar panels and use it when needed.
  5. Npower to invest £100 million in renewable energy: In October 2022, npower announced plans to invest £100 million in renewable energy projects over the next five years. The investment will help the company reduce its carbon emissions and meet its sustainability goals.

Previous News:

  1. Npower fined £3.5 million for failing to meet customer service standards: In 2020, npower was fined £3.5 million by Ofgem for failing to meet customer service standards. The company was accused of taking too long to resolve customer complaints and failing to provide adequate support to vulnerable customers.
  2. Npower to close 54 call centers: In 2019, npower announced plans to close 54 call centers across the UK, affecting over 1,000 jobs. The company said the closures were necessary to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  3. Npower launches new energy tariff: In 2018, npower launched a new energy tariff, which aimed to provide customers with a more affordable and flexible energy deal. The tariff allowed customers to switch between different energy plans and tariffs to suit their needs.

These are just a few examples of recent news updates about npower. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking out npower's official website or searching for news articles online.