About itafaaji building collapse news

Ita-Faaji building collapse: A tragic incident in Lagos, Nigeria

On March 13, 2019, a three-story building collapsed in the Ita-Faaji area of Lagos, Nigeria, resulting in the loss of many lives and injuries. The building, which was under construction, collapsed around 10:00 am, trapping many people inside.

According to reports, the building was a private property being constructed by a developer, and it was not a public building. The cause of the collapse is still under investigation, but it is believed to be due to a combination of factors, including poor construction quality, lack of proper permits, and inadequate enforcement of building codes.

The incident has sparked widespread outrage and grief in Nigeria, with many calling for stricter regulations and enforcement of building codes to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

Here are some key facts about the Ita-Faaji building collapse:

  1. Number of casualties: At least 20 people were killed in the collapse, including children, women, and men. Many more were injured, with some still trapped under the rubble.
  2. Cause of collapse: The cause of the collapse is still under investigation, but it is believed to be due to a combination of factors, including poor construction quality, lack of proper permits, and inadequate enforcement of building codes.
  3. Building under construction: The building was under construction at the time of the collapse, and it was not yet occupied by residents.
  4. Lack of emergency response: There were reports of delays in the response of emergency services, including the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) and the Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS).
  5. Investigation: The Lagos State Government has launched an investigation into the collapse, and a panel has been set up to investigate the incident.
  6. Calls for action: The incident has sparked widespread outrage and calls for stricter regulations and enforcement of building codes to prevent such tragedies from happening again.
  7. Support for victims: The Lagos State Government has set up a relief fund to support the families of the victims, and many organizations and individuals have donated to the fund.

The Ita-Faaji building collapse is a tragic reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and quality in construction, as well as the need for effective emergency response and disaster preparedness.