About fox news

Fox News is a 24-hour cable news channel that was launched in 1996 by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. It is known for its conservative bias and has been a major player in the cable news landscape for over two decades.

Here are some key facts about Fox News:

  1. Conservative bias: Fox News is often criticized for its conservative bias, with many critics arguing that the network presents a skewed view of the news and favors Republican politicians and causes.
  2. Rupert Murdoch: Fox News was founded by Rupert Murdoch, a media mogul and the chairman of News Corp. Murdoch is a conservative and has been a major supporter of Republican politicians.
  3. Sean Hannity: Sean Hannity is one of the network's most popular hosts, known for his conservative views and his support for Donald Trump.
  4. Bill O'Reilly: Bill O'Reilly was a longtime host on Fox News, known for his conservative views and his confrontational style. He was fired from the network in 2017 after allegations of sexual harassment.
  5. Fox News vs. CNN: Fox News has long been seen as a rival to CNN, another major cable news network. The two networks have often been at odds, with Fox News accusing CNN of being liberal and CNN accusing Fox News of being conservative.
  6. Ratings: Fox News is one of the most-watched cable news networks, with an average of around 2.5 million viewers per night. It has consistently been the number one cable news network in terms of ratings.
  7. Controversies: Fox News has been involved in several controversies over the years, including allegations of sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and biased reporting.
  8. Layoffs: In 2020, Fox News laid off several employees, including some high-profile hosts and producers, as part of a cost-cutting effort.
  9. Digital presence: Fox News has a strong digital presence, with a website and social media channels that attract millions of visitors and followers each month.
  10. International reach: Fox News is available in over 90 countries around the world, making it a global news brand.

Some of the most popular shows on Fox News include:

Overall, Fox News is a major player in the cable news landscape, known for its conservative bias and its popular hosts and shows.