About erigga new money

You're referring to Erigga's song "New Money"!

"New Money" is a popular song by Nigerian rapper Erigga, released in 2020. The song is part of his album "A Small Thing" and has gained massive attention and popularity in Nigeria and beyond.

The song's title "New Money" refers to the theme of wealth, success, and the struggles that come with it. Erigga raps about his journey from being a struggling artist to achieving success and financial stability. He also touches on the challenges of maintaining relationships and staying grounded despite the influx of new wealth.

The song features a catchy hook and a laid-back, atmospheric beat, which has contributed to its widespread appeal. Many fans have praised Erigga's storytelling ability and his relatable lyrics, which paint a vivid picture of his experiences and emotions.

"New Money" has been certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of Nigeria (RIAN) and has been streamed millions of times on platforms like YouTube and Spotify. It's considered one of Erigga's most successful songs to date, and its success has further solidified his position as a prominent figure in the Nigerian music industry.

What do you think about "New Money"? Have you listened to the song before?