Able ministers of the new testament

The "able ministers of the new testament" refers to the apostles and other early Christian leaders who were entrusted with the responsibility of spreading the message of Jesus Christ and establishing the early Christian church.

In the New Testament, the following individuals are referred to as "able ministers" or "ministers of the new testament":

  1. Peter (Galatians 2:7-8) - One of Jesus' twelve apostles, Peter was a key leader in the early Christian church and is often referred to as the "rock" upon which the church was built.
  2. Paul (2 Corinthians 3:6) - A former Pharisee and persecutor of Christians, Paul was converted to Christianity and became one of the most influential apostles of the early church. He wrote many of the epistles (letters) that make up the New Testament.
  3. James (Galatians 2:9) - The brother of Jesus and leader of the church in Jerusalem, James was a key figure in the early Christian church and is often referred to as "James the Just".
  4. John (1 John 1:1-4) - One of Jesus' twelve apostles, John was a close friend and disciple of Jesus and is often referred to as the "beloved disciple".
  5. Barnabas (Acts 11:22-24) - A Christian leader and companion of Paul, Barnabas was instrumental in the spread of Christianity to the Gentiles (non-Jews).
  6. Silas (Acts 15:22-35) - A Christian leader and companion of Paul, Silas was a key figure in the early Christian church and is often referred to as "Silvanus".
  7. Timothy (1 Timothy 1:2-3) - A young Christian leader and companion of Paul, Timothy was a key figure in the early Christian church and is often referred to as "the beloved son of God".
  8. Titus (Titus 1:4) - A Christian leader and companion of Paul, Titus was a key figure in the early Christian church and is often referred to as "the brother of Paul".

These individuals, along with others, were entrusted with the responsibility of spreading the message of Jesus Christ and establishing the early Christian church. They were "able ministers" because they were chosen by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill this important task.