Abia state crime news

Here are some recent crime news reports from Abia State, Nigeria:

1. Kidnapping of 3-year-old boy in Umuahia

On January 10, 2023, a 3-year-old boy was kidnapped in Umuahia, the capital city of Abia State. The boy, identified as Chukwuemeka Nwosu, was taken away by unknown gunmen while playing outside his home in the Okpuala Ngwa area of Umuahia. The police have launched an investigation into the incident. (Source: Vanguard News)

2. Robbery attack on bank in Aba

On January 5, 2023, a bank in Aba, the commercial hub of Abia State, was robbed by armed men. The robbers, who were said to be about 10 in number, stormed the bank in the early hours of the day and made away with an undisclosed amount of money. The police have arrested several suspects in connection with the robbery. (Source: The Nation)

3. Murder of businessman in Umuahia

On December 28, 2022, a businessman, identified as Mr. Chinedu Nwosu, was murdered in Umuahia. Nwosu, who owned a popular restaurant in the city, was found dead in his car with multiple gunshot wounds. The police have launched an investigation into the murder, but no arrests have been made so far. (Source: Daily Trust)

4. Kidnapping of 2 students in Aba

On December 22, 2022, two students of a private university in Aba were kidnapped by unknown gunmen. The students, who were identified as Chinaza Nwosu and Chidinma Nwosu, were taken away from their hostel in the early hours of the day. The police have launched an investigation into the incident, but no arrests have been made so far. (Source: Punch News)

5. Armed robbery attack on truck in Abia

On December 15, 2022, a truck carrying goods was attacked by armed robbers on the Aba-Umuahia highway. The robbers, who were said to be about 5 in number, made away with an undisclosed amount of money and goods. The police have launched an investigation into the incident, but no arrests have been made so far. (Source: The Guardian)

Please note that crime news can be sensitive and disturbing, and it's always important to verify information through reputable sources before sharing or consuming it.