Abia state apc rally news

Here are some recent news updates on the APC rally in Abia State:

APC Rally: Abia APC Chairman, Nwosu, Absent as Party Members Protest Non-Recognition of State Exco

The All Progressives Congress (APC) rally in Abia State on Saturday, March 19, 2023, was marred by controversy as the party's chairman in the state, Dr. Kingsley Nwosu, was absent from the event. The rally was held at the Abia State Polytechnic, Aba.

According to reports, party members protested the non-recognition of the state executive committee (SEC) by the national leadership of the party. The protesters, who were mainly supporters of the APC governorship candidate, Uche Ogah, demanded that the national leadership recognize the state SEC to avoid factionalization of the party.

APC Rally: Abia APC Governorship Candidate, Uche Ogah, Assures Party Members of Better Days Ahead

The APC governorship candidate in Abia State, Uche Ogah, has assured party members that better days are ahead for the state if elected as governor. Ogah made the promise during the APC rally in Aba on Saturday, March 19, 2023.

Ogah, who is a former Minister of State for Mines and Steel Development, promised to tackle the state's infrastructure deficit, improve the economy, and provide quality education and healthcare services to the people of Abia State.

APC Rally: Abia APC Senatorial Candidate, Nwosu, Promises to Represent People's Interest

The APC senatorial candidate for Abia North, Dr. Nwosu, has promised to represent the people's interest if elected as senator. Nwosu made the promise during the APC rally in Aba on Saturday, March 19, 2023.

Nwosu, who is a former Commissioner for Health in Abia State, promised to work with the people of Abia North to address their developmental needs and ensure that their voices are heard in the National Assembly.

APC Rally: Abia APC Members Protest Non-Recognition of State Exco

Members of the APC in Abia State have protested the non-recognition of the state executive committee (SEC) by the national leadership of the party. The protest occurred during the APC rally in Aba on Saturday, March 19, 2023.

The protesters, who were mainly supporters of the APC governorship candidate, Uche Ogah, demanded that the national leadership recognize the state SEC to avoid factionalization of the party.

These are some of the recent news updates on the APC rally in Abia State. If you need more information or specific updates on a particular topic, please let me know!