Abesan estate ipaja lagos news

Abesan Estate is a popular residential area in Ipaja, Lagos State, Nigeria. Here are some recent news and updates about Abesan Estate:

  1. Road Construction: The Lagos State Government has embarked on a road construction project in Abesan Estate, aimed at improving the infrastructure and reducing traffic congestion in the area. The project is expected to be completed within the next few months.
  2. Security: The Abesan Estate Residents Association has called on the Lagos State Government to increase security measures in the area, following a rise in crime rates. The association has also urged residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities.
  3. Electricity Supply: The Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company (IKEDC) has announced plans to upgrade the electricity supply infrastructure in Abesan Estate, which is expected to improve power supply to the area.
  4. Market Fire: A fire outbreak occurred at the Abesan Estate Market in February, destroying several stalls and goods. The Lagos State Fire Service responded quickly to put out the fire, and an investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the incident.
  5. Community Development: The Abesan Estate Residents Association has launched a community development project aimed at improving the living conditions of residents. The project includes the construction of a community center, playground, and other amenities.
  6. Land Grabbing: There have been reports of land grabbing in Abesan Estate, with some individuals allegedly selling plots of land that do not belong to them. The Abesan Estate Residents Association has urged residents to be cautious and verify the authenticity of any land deals before making a purchase.
  7. Environmental Sanitation: The Lagos State Government has launched a sanitation campaign in Abesan Estate, aimed at keeping the area clean and free of waste. Residents have been urged to participate in the campaign and keep their surroundings clean.
  8. Health Services: The Abesan Estate Residents Association has called on the Lagos State Government to establish a primary healthcare center in the area, citing the need for improved healthcare services for residents.
  9. Transportation: The Lagos State Government has announced plans to improve transportation in Abesan Estate, including the construction of new bus stops and the introduction of a bus rapid transit system.
  10. Community Events: The Abesan Estate Residents Association has organized several community events, including a cultural festival and a charity walk, aimed at promoting unity and social cohesion among residents.

These are just a few of the recent news and updates about Abesan Estate in Ipaja, Lagos. If you're looking for more information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!