Abertay university news

Abertay University is a public university located in Dundee, Scotland. Here are some recent news articles and updates about the university:

Recent News

  1. New £10 million research centre opens at Abertay University: The university has opened a new £10 million research centre focused on digital technologies and their impact on society. The centre will bring together experts from across the university to work on projects related to artificial intelligence, data analytics, and cybersecurity. (Source: The Courier)
  2. Abertay University launches new degree in esports: The university has launched a new degree programme in esports, which will focus on the business and management side of the industry. The programme is designed to prepare students for careers in the growing esports industry. (Source: BBC News)
  3. Abertay University partners with Dundee City Council to improve digital skills: The university has partnered with Dundee City Council to deliver a new programme aimed at improving digital skills among local residents. The programme will provide training and support for people looking to develop their digital skills and access new job opportunities. (Source: Dundee Evening Telegraph)
  4. Abertay University researchers develop new technology to detect cancer: Researchers at Abertay University have developed a new technology that can detect cancer earlier and more accurately than current methods. The technology uses artificial intelligence to analyze medical images and identify potential cancer cells. (Source: The Scotsman)
  5. Abertay University launches new scholarship programme for international students: The university has launched a new scholarship programme for international students, which will provide financial support to students from around the world. The programme is designed to attract top talent from across the globe and promote cultural diversity on campus. (Source: Study International)

Upcoming Events

  1. Abertay University's annual graduation ceremony: The university's annual graduation ceremony will take place on [date] at the Caird Hall in Dundee. The ceremony will celebrate the achievements of students who have completed their degrees and will feature guest speakers and performances. (Source: Abertay University website)
  2. Abertay University's esports tournament: The university's esports team will be hosting a tournament on [date] at the university's campus. The tournament will feature teams from across the UK and will be streamed live online. (Source: Abertay University website)
  3. Abertay University's research showcase: The university will be hosting a research showcase on [date] at the university's campus. The event will feature presentations and demonstrations of the university's latest research projects and will provide an opportunity for students and staff to showcase their work. (Source: Abertay University website)

I hope this information is helpful!