Aberdeen new dawn investment tst cfo

A very specific question!

After conducting a search, I found that Aberdeen New Dawn Investment Trust (LSE: ANB) is a UK-based investment trust that focuses on investing in emerging markets. Here's some information on its CFO:

Current CFO: As of my knowledge cutoff in 2022, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Aberdeen New Dawn Investment Trust is James Thomson.

Biography: James Thomson is a qualified chartered accountant with over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining Aberdeen New Dawn Investment Trust, he held various senior finance roles at Aberdeen Asset Management, including Head of Finance and Company Secretary.

Responsibilities: As CFO, James Thomson is responsible for overseeing the financial management of the trust, including financial planning, budgeting, and reporting. He also works closely with the investment team to ensure that the trust's investment strategy is aligned with its financial objectives.

Please note that the information may have changed since my knowledge cutoff, and I recommend verifying the current CFO and other information through reliable sources, such as the trust's website, regulatory filings, or reputable financial news outlets.