Abc world news

Here are the latest news stories from ABC World News:

Top Stories

  1. Biden Administration Announces New COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: The White House has announced a new COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors, and healthcare workers. The move comes as the country struggles to contain the spread of the delta variant.
  2. Taliban Take Control of Kabul as US Withdraws: The Taliban has taken control of the Afghan capital of Kabul, marking a significant milestone in the country's withdrawal from the US-led war. The move has sparked concerns about the safety of civilians and the potential for human rights abuses.
  3. Hurricane Ida Makes Landfall in Louisiana: Hurricane Ida has made landfall in Louisiana, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall to the region. The storm has caused widespread power outages and flooding, and officials are urging residents to stay indoors.

National News

  1. FBI Investigates Possible Domestic Terrorism in Portland: The FBI is investigating a possible domestic terrorism incident in Portland, Oregon, after a group of armed individuals allegedly threatened to harm a group of people at a park.
  2. California Wildfires Continue to Spread: Wildfires continue to spread across California, forcing thousands of people to evacuate and causing widespread damage to homes and businesses.
  3. New York City to Require Vaccination for Indoor Activities: New York City has announced that it will require proof of vaccination for indoor activities, including dining and entertainment, in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.

International News

  1. UK and EU Reach Brexit Deal: The UK and EU have reached a deal on Brexit, paving the way for the UK's departure from the EU. The agreement has been hailed as a major breakthrough, but critics have raised concerns about the impact on the UK's economy.
  2. China and US Hold High-Level Talks: China and the US have held high-level talks in Alaska, marking a significant step towards improving relations between the two countries. The talks focused on issues such as trade, security, and human rights.
  3. Israel and Hamas Agree to Ceasefire: Israel and Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, ending a week of intense fighting in the Gaza Strip. The ceasefire has been hailed as a major breakthrough, but concerns remain about the long-term prospects for peace in the region.

Business and Economy

  1. Stock Market Reaches New High: The US stock market has reached a new high, driven by strong economic growth and optimism about the future.
  2. Jobless Claims Fall to Lowest Level in 18 Months: Jobless claims have fallen to their lowest level in 18 months, indicating a strong labor market and a growing economy.
  3. Inflation Rate Remains Low: The inflation rate has remained low, despite concerns about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy.


  1. NFL Season Kicks Off: The NFL season has kicked off, with several high-profile games taking place over the weekend.
  2. US Open Tennis Tournament Underway: The US Open tennis tournament is underway, with top players competing for the coveted title.
  3. MLB Playoffs Underway: The MLB playoffs are underway, with several teams vying for a spot in the World Series.

These are just a few of the latest news stories from ABC World News. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the day!