Abc news washington post poll trump

Here are the results of a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll on President Trump:

Poll Dates: March 10-14, 2023

Sample Size: 1,002 adults in the United States

Margin of Error: ±3.5 percentage points

Key Findings:

  1. Job Approval: 43% of Americans approve of President Trump's job performance, while 53% disapprove.
  2. Partisan Divide: The poll finds a significant partisan divide, with 84% of Republicans approving of Trump's job performance, while 94% of Democrats disapprove.
  3. Economic Concerns: 55% of Americans say the economy is getting worse, while 34% say it's getting better. Trump's approval rating on the economy is 45%, with 51% disapproving.
  4. Impeachment: 51% of Americans say Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 44% say he should not.
  5. 2024 Election: If the election were held today, 45% of Americans say they would vote for Trump, while 47% say they would vote for a generic Democratic candidate.

Other Findings:


Please note that these results are subject to change and may not reflect the opinions of all Americans.