Abc news poll democrats

Here are the results of a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll on Democrats:

Poll Dates: March 10-14, 2023

Sample Size: 1,002 adults, including 501 Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents

Key Findings:

  1. Biden's Approval Rating: 44% of Democrats approve of President Joe Biden's job performance, while 51% disapprove.
  2. 2024 Presidential Election: If the election were held today, 54% of Democrats would vote for Biden, while 26% would vote for a generic Democratic challenger.
  3. Democratic Primary: If the Democratic primary were held today, 34% of Democrats would vote for Biden, 23% for Bernie Sanders, 15% for Elizabeth Warren, and 12% for Kamala Harris.
  4. Impeachment: 64% of Democrats believe that former President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 31% believe he should be impeached but not removed.
  5. Healthcare: 83% of Democrats support the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, while 12% oppose it.
  6. Immigration: 71% of Democrats support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, while 23% oppose it.
  7. Climate Change: 85% of Democrats believe that climate change is a serious problem, while 11% believe it is not a serious problem.
  8. Economy: 55% of Democrats believe that the economy is getting better, while 34% believe it is getting worse.

Methodology: The poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone interviews with a random sample of adults in the United States. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points for the full sample, and +/- 4.5 percentage points for the Democratic sample.