Abc news politics

Here are the latest news and updates from ABC News Politics:

Top Stories

  1. Biden's Infrastructure Bill Passes Senate: The Senate has passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill, which includes $1.2 trillion in spending on roads, bridges, and public transportation.
  2. Trump's Tax Returns Released: The House Ways and Means Committee has released six years of former President Trump's tax returns, which show he paid little to no federal income taxes in some years.
  3. Supreme Court Rules on Abortion: The Supreme Court has ruled that a Louisiana law requiring abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital is unconstitutional.
  4. Biden's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: The Biden administration has announced a new COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors, and healthcare workers.
  5. House Votes to Hold Trump Ally in Contempt: The House of Representatives has voted to hold Steve Bannon, a former Trump advisor, in contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate with the January 6th committee's investigation.

Latest News

  1. Biden to Meet with World Leaders at G20 Summit: President Biden is set to meet with world leaders at the G20 summit in Rome, Italy, to discuss global issues such as climate change and economic recovery.
  2. Senate Republicans Block Voting Rights Bill: Senate Republicans have blocked a voting rights bill, which would have expanded voting access and protected against voter suppression.
  3. Trump's Legal Team Files Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit: Trump's legal team has filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the House January 6th committee, which seeks to compel Trump to testify in the investigation.
  4. Biden's Budget Proposal Includes Funding for Climate Change: The Biden administration has released a budget proposal that includes funding for climate change initiatives, such as renewable energy and carbon capture.
  5. House Committee Subpoenas Trump's Former Chief of Staff: The House January 6th committee has subpoenaed Mark Meadows, Trump's former chief of staff, to testify in the investigation.


  1. The Politics of Infrastructure: ABC News' Rick Klein argues that the infrastructure bill is a rare example of bipartisanship in Washington, but that it's still a complex and contentious issue.
  2. The Supreme Court's Abortion Ruling: ABC News' Kate Shaw analyzes the Supreme Court's ruling on the Louisiana abortion law and its implications for the future of reproductive rights.
  3. The Politics of COVID-19: ABC News' Mary Bruce examines the Biden administration's COVID-19 vaccine mandate and its potential impact on the country's response to the pandemic.


  1. Biden's Infrastructure Bill Passes Senate: Watch as President Biden reacts to the Senate's passage of the infrastructure bill.
  2. Trump's Tax Returns Released: Watch as ABC News' Chief Investigative Reporter, Brian Ross, breaks down the significance of Trump's tax returns.
  3. Supreme Court Rules on Abortion: Watch as ABC News' Supreme Court Correspondent, Devin Dwyer, analyzes the Supreme Court's ruling on the Louisiana abortion law.


  1. The Powerhouse: ABC News' podcast on politics and policy, featuring interviews with newsmakers and analysis of the latest developments.
  2. The Briefing: ABC News' daily podcast on politics and current events, featuring analysis and commentary from ABC News' experts.