Abbreviations about new zealand immigration

Here are some common abbreviations related to New Zealand immigration:

  1. ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (used to classify occupations for immigration purposes)
  2. BPT - Business Plan Template (required for some business migration applications)
  3. CIR - Citizenship by Investment Reserve (a reserve of funds set aside for citizenship applications)
  4. EOI - Expression of Interest (a way for skilled migrants to express their interest in migrating to New Zealand)
  5. ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages (language training for migrants)
  6. FANZ - Fellow of the Association of New Zealand (a professional membership organization for migrants)
  7. IELTS - International English Language Testing System (a language proficiency test required for some immigration applications)
  8. INZ - Immigration New Zealand (the government agency responsible for managing immigration to New Zealand)
  9. LMI - Labour Market Impact (the impact of a migrant's skills and experience on the New Zealand labour market)
  10. MIQ - Managed Isolation and Quarantine (a system for managing the isolation and quarantine of migrants arriving in New Zealand)
  11. NZQA - New Zealand Qualifications Authority (responsible for recognizing and validating qualifications from overseas)
  12. PTE - Private Training Establishment (a type of education provider that offers training programs for migrants)
  13. RSE - Recognised Seasonal Employer (a scheme that allows employers to hire migrant workers for seasonal work)
  14. SMC - Skilled Migrant Category (a category of immigration for skilled workers)
  15. TEP - Temporary Entry Permit (a type of visa that allows migrants to enter New Zealand temporarily)
  16. VISA - Visa and Immigration Service (a service provided by Immigration New Zealand to assist with visa applications)
  17. WREX - Work to Residence Employment (a type of work visa that allows migrants to work in New Zealand and eventually apply for residence)

These are just a few of the many abbreviations used in the context of New Zealand immigration.