Abba happy new year download

A classic!

You can download "Happy New Year" by ABBA from various online music stores and streaming platforms. Here are a few options:


  1. Spotify: You can stream "Happy New Year" by ABBA on Spotify by searching for the song and clicking the "Play" button.
  2. Apple Music: You can stream the song on Apple Music by searching for "ABBA" and clicking on the song.
  3. YouTube Music: You can stream the song on YouTube Music by searching for "ABBA Happy New Year" and clicking the "Play" button.


  1. iTunes: You can download "Happy New Year" by ABBA from iTunes by searching for the song and clicking the "Buy" button.
  2. Google Play Music: You can download the song from Google Play Music by searching for "ABBA Happy New Year" and clicking the "Buy" button.
  3. Amazon Music: You can download the song from Amazon Music by searching for "ABBA Happy New Year" and clicking the "Buy" button.

Free Download:

  1. You can download a free MP3 version of "Happy New Year" from, a website that offers free and legal downloads of public domain music.
  2. YouTube: You can also find free downloads of the song on YouTube, but be cautious of copyright infringement and make sure you're downloading from a reputable source.

Remember to always download music from authorized sources to support the artists and respect copyright laws.