Abantecart new template


Abantecart is an open-source e-commerce platform that allows you to create a custom online store. If you're looking to create a new template for Abantecart, here are some steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose a Template Engine

Abantecart uses a template engine called Smarty. You can choose from various template engines, such as:

Step 2: Create a New Template

Create a new folder in the templates directory of your Abantecart installation. For example, you can create a folder named mytemplate.

Step 3: Create the Template Files

In the mytemplate folder, create the following files:

Step 4: Write the Template Code

In each template file, write the HTML code that will render the corresponding page. You can use Smarty syntax to include variables and logic.

For example, in index.tpl, you can write:

{extends 'layout.tpl'}

{block name='content'}
  <h1>Welcome to my store!</h1>
    {foreach from=$products item=product}
      <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="{$product.url}">{$product.name}</a></li>

Step 5: Configure the Template

In the config.php file, add the following code to configure the template:

$config['template'] = 'mytemplate';

Step 6: Test the Template

Restart the Abantecart server and navigate to your store's homepage. You should see the new template in action!

Tips and Tricks

I hope this helps you create a new template for Abantecart!