Aba north news

ABA North News!

ABA North is a region within the American Bar Association (ABA) that serves the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Here are some recent news and updates from ABA North:

Recent News

  1. ABA North Annual Meeting: The ABA North Annual Meeting was held in Chicago, Illinois, on September 24-26, 2022. The meeting featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking opportunities for lawyers and judges from the region.
  2. Pro Bono Awards: ABA North presented its annual Pro Bono Awards to recognize outstanding pro bono service by lawyers and law firms in the region. The awards were presented at the ABA North Annual Meeting.
  3. CLE Programs: ABA North has been offering continuing legal education (CLE) programs on various topics, including ethics, litigation, and practice management. These programs are designed to help lawyers stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the law and improve their professional skills.

Upcoming Events

  1. ABA North Winter Meeting: The ABA North Winter Meeting is scheduled to take place in February 2023 in Chicago, Illinois. The meeting will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking opportunities.
  2. CLE Programs: ABA North will be offering several CLE programs in the coming months, including a program on e-discovery and another on legal ethics.
  3. Pro Bono Opportunities: ABA North is partnering with local organizations to offer pro bono opportunities for lawyers in the region. These opportunities include volunteer work, pro bono projects, and other initiatives to promote access to justice.


  1. ABA North Website: The ABA North website provides information on upcoming events, CLE programs, and pro bono opportunities, as well as resources for lawyers and judges in the region.
  2. ABA North Newsletter: The ABA North newsletter is a monthly publication that features news, updates, and announcements from the region.
  3. ABA North Social Media: ABA North is active on social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Follow ABA North to stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from the region.

I hope this information is helpful!