Aaua news 2019

Here are some notable news stories from the African University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (AU-AE) in 2019:

  1. Inauguration of the University's First Vice-Chancellor: In January 2019, Professor Franklin Oduro was inaugurated as the first Vice-Chancellor of the African University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. Professor Oduro is a renowned expert in agricultural economics and has a strong track record of leadership in the academia.
  2. Launch of the University's Master's Program in Environmental Science: In February 2019, the AU-AE launched its Master's program in Environmental Science, which aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to address the complex environmental challenges facing Africa.
  3. Signing of MoU with the University of Ghana: In March 2019, the AU-AE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Ghana to collaborate on research, teaching, and capacity building in agriculture and environmental sciences.
  4. Participation in the 2019 Africa Agriculture Science Week: In May 2019, the AU-AE participated in the 2019 Africa Agriculture Science Week, which was held in Accra, Ghana. The event brought together experts from across Africa to discuss the latest developments in agriculture and environmental sciences.
  5. Launch of the University's Research and Innovation Hub: In June 2019, the AU-AE launched its Research and Innovation Hub, which aims to promote interdisciplinary research and innovation in agriculture and environmental sciences.
  6. Signing of MoU with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): In July 2019, the AU-AE signed a MoU with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to collaborate on projects aimed at improving agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods in Africa.
  7. Participation in the 2019 Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation: In September 2019, the AU-AE participated in the 2019 Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation, which was held in Montpellier, France. The event brought together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in agricultural research and innovation.
  8. Launch of the University's Doctoral Program in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences: In October 2019, the AU-AE launched its Doctoral program in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, which aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to become leaders in their fields.
  9. Signing of MoU with the African Development Bank: In November 2019, the AU-AE signed a MoU with the African Development Bank to collaborate on projects aimed at improving agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods in Africa.
  10. Participation in the 2019 Africa-EU Alliance on Agricultural Research and Innovation: In December 2019, the AU-AE participated in the 2019 Africa-EU Alliance on Agricultural Research and Innovation, which was held in Brussels, Belgium. The event brought together experts from Africa and Europe to discuss the latest developments in agricultural research and innovation.

These are just a few of the notable news stories from the African University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences in 2019. The university continues to play an important role in promoting agricultural development and environmental sustainability in Africa.