Aau news portal

Here are some recent news articles from the African Association of Universities (AAU) news portal:

Latest News

  1. AAU Launches New Website: The African Association of Universities (AAU) is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, which aims to provide a platform for sharing information, promoting collaboration, and showcasing the achievements of its member universities. Read more...
  2. AAU Condemns Xenophobia in South Africa: The African Association of Universities (AAU) has condemned the recent xenophobic attacks in South Africa, which have resulted in the loss of lives and property. Read more...
  3. AAU Supports African Universities in COVID-19 Response: The African Association of Universities (AAU) has launched a new initiative to support African universities in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more...

News from Member Universities

  1. University of Ghana Launches New Research Institute: The University of Ghana has launched a new research institute, which aims to promote research and innovation in areas such as health, agriculture, and energy. Read more...
  2. University of Nairobi Develops New Vaccine Against Malaria: The University of Nairobi has developed a new vaccine against malaria, which has shown promising results in clinical trials. Read more...
  3. University of Cape Town Launches New Centre for Climate Change Research: The University of Cape Town has launched a new centre for climate change research, which aims to promote research and innovation in areas such as climate change mitigation and adaptation. Read more...

AAU Events

  1. AAU Annual Conference 2022: The African Association of Universities (AAU) will be hosting its annual conference in 2022, which will bring together university leaders and experts from across Africa to discuss key issues affecting higher education in the continent. Read more...
  2. AAU Workshop on Research and Innovation: The African Association of Universities (AAU) will be hosting a workshop on research and innovation in 2022, which will bring together researchers and innovators from across Africa to discuss best practices and share experiences. Read more...